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Breakout Normandy
BPA Play by Email

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To register to play fill out the below form

Welcome to the Breakout Normandy Tournament Home Page

PBeM #14 Sign Ups Has Ended

To sign up for the tournament fill out form or contact the new GM Kevin Wojtaszczyk at
















Round 2 games need to complete or conceded by Sat. Aug 3rd

Round 2 Matches with 7/14/24 Game Impulse

3/31 - Completed at 6G5 - Germans win - Nied(Allies) vs Eliason(Germans+18)
11G0 - Kaye(Allies) vs Jones(Germans+10)
3/31 - Completed at 7A2 - Germans win - Hamel(Allies) vs Robinson(Germans+10)
7/14 - Completed 12A2 - Germans win - Gutfreund(Allies) vs Hammond(Germans+9)
11A3 - DeMasi(Allies) vs Malcomson(Germans+12)




Round 1 games need to complete or conceded by Sat. March 30th

Round 1 Matches with 3/19/24 Game Impulse

3/7 - Completed at 11G7 - Allies win - DeMasi(Allies) vs Dohrman(German+9)

2/26 - Completed at 12G7 - Germans win - Daw(Allies) vs Hammond(German+8)

2/25 - Completed at 12A6 - Germans win - Jamelli(Allies) vs Eliason(German+0)

1/28 - Completed at 9A7 - Germans win - Fedin(Allies) vs Malcomson(German+5)

3/22 - Completed at 12A3 - Germans win - Fenn(Allies) vs Jones(German+10)

2/5 - Completed at 11AA - Germans win - Nicholson(Allies) vs Gutfreund(German+5)

12/29 - Completed at 9G1- Allies win - Hamel(Allies) vs Kerslake(German+8)

7G2 - Time Adjudicated as Allies win - Nied(Allies) vs Young(German+8)

3/13 - Completed at 12A3 - Germans win - Lange(Allies) vs Robinson(German+9)

1/19 - Completed at 10A3 - Allies win - Kaye(Allies) vs Wojtaszczyk(German+10)



New BKN Vassal Module Released

  • The latest Vassal module for BKN has been released. Download: 4.1


Requirements to Play


  • you must be at least an Associate ($10) member of the BPA 

  • you must allow the game to be submitted to AREA  ( this will be done by the GM )

  • you must have an active email address that is checked at least daily, preferably multiple times a day

  • you are required to use ACTS to keep a record of the game



Game: The standard one-week game of Breakout: Normandy, the L2 will be the only version being played.

Reserves: Rule 12.53 per the L2 rules.

Victory Points: Rule 22 per the L2 rules


Format: This will be a single elimination tournament. There will be no byes. When one becomes necessary, an Eliminator - an ineligible player - will be assigned the lowest AREA rated opponent left if the two players had not played previously in the tournament. The Eliminator cannot advance, but they can eliminate an opponent. All eliminated players and interested latecomers are urged to offer their services as an Eliminator.  If multiple players are offering to play as Eliminator, the choice to play will be given to the players based on AREA rating, top down.  If the highest AREA rated Eliminator previously played the lowest AREA player left, their opponent will be assigned the next up lowest AREA player left


1-2 Frequent opponents:  If you play one or two players frequently and/or locally, you can list their names in that section of the form and you will not randomly be matched up to play vs them till a fully random final 4.  (if all still alive in the tournament in the final 4)


Laurels: Positions three through six will be resolved in the following manner: 3rd place goes to player who lost to the eventual winner in the 2nd last round; 4th place to the player who lost to the runner-up in the 2nd last round; 5th place to the player who lost to the eventual winner in the 3rd last round; and 6th place to the player who lost to the runner-up in the 3rd last round.


Time Limits: Each round will last for 4 months or until all matches have been completed, whichever comes first. There will be no adjudications of games at the end of the 4 months. Instead each player will indicate the amount of time they used to complete their side of the game and the side greater than 2 months in total time will be the automatic loser, no matter what the actual situation in the game is.   I am hoping that in the spirit of good sportsmanship that players can agree on which player used the most time. If not, each player in a timely manner will submit evidence of how long he took to complete all of his moves. We will now have ACTS to assist in this process as each move is timestamped.  It is expected that players perform their moves on average at least once a day to keep games moving and notify their opponents if they might have a short delay due to vacations or similar at times during their match.   If a player has no communication in a game over a 3+ day period that was not previously noted, please email the GM at to escalate and have record for any time based adjudication if it comes to that.


Extraordinary life circumstances may relax the hard deadline a week or two at most at GM's discretion provided the player(s) communicate any life related issues as soon as possible.   Once a round is down to 1 or 2 games left, the next round of random assignments might be generated to allow most other players to start their next games to possibly keep the overall tournament time moving. (GM discretion)   In the semi-final round, if there are only 3 matches so an Eliminator will be needed, the GM may automatically assign the Eliminator to play the winner of the slowest playing game if it will be running much longer than the other two matches, so the two winners of the other games will not have to wait to play and would supersede the above mentioned lowest AREA rated Eliminator assignment.


Playing Officials: Prior to the start of the tournament, two Assistant GMs will be named to assist the GM. Assistant GMs may participate in the tournament as active players and are eligible to play in all rounds and compete for awards and prizes just as any other player. The GM and Assistant GMs will not be allowed to issue rulings on questions or rule interpretations for matches in which they are personally involved. 


GM: Kevin Wojtaszczyk:

Asst GM: Mark Gutfreund:

Asst GM: Kevin Hammond:


Bidding *NEW*The random game assignments will occur before the bidding process and once you have an opponent, you will simply bid for side:


1. The first bidder will be indicated via the random game assignments.  (higher 3 digit number)   They start by picking the side they want and any initial bid to give to the other player for their starting banked supply.


2. The other player can accept the offer or counter with a higher bid because they both are wanting to play the same side.


3. Continue bidding back and forth till a player no longer wants to bid higher.  The winning bid player gets to play the side they were bidding for and other player gets the other side with the bid amount of banked supply to start the game.



Players can make a phone call to their opponent to do the bidding or use email or bid in ACTS or discord, just remember to record the banked supply and sides at the start of your ACTS game.   The GM will check the ACTS games to find out which sides were selected and the bids used and summarize the info on the website.





Matching: Matching in every round will be completely at random except for the above mentioned 1-2 frequent opponents, an Eliminator or semi-final slow match scenarios. A new random 3 digit number will be assigned to each player each round. These numbers will be sent to the assistant GM's for verification. Starting with the player with the lowest number, that player will be matched with the player with the next highest number, and so forth.  Frequent opponents will be randomized to not be able to meet till randomization in the final 4.


Computer Aides: All players are encouraged but not required to use computer aides. These aides facilitate speed of play, especially during refit and regroup phases, and can represent a permanent record of what has previously occurred in a game if a dispute should arise. Among those available are VASSAL ; one advantage of VASSAL is that it is operating system neutral and therefore workable not only with Windows but also with Macs and Linux. If there is any discrepancy between the computer board and the physical board, such as counter values or map features, the latter always prevails.


Mistakes and Illegal Moves: First, the Internet Die Roll Error Handling Convention will be the default method of deciding disputes. Players can agree to use their own, but I think these are sensible. In addition, if a dispute arises, the decision of the GM in consultation with the assistant GM's will be final and the GM reserves the right to disqualify a player for deliberate or repeated illegal moves. In short, players should make every effort to work these things out for themselves and, then and only then, consult the GM.


  • 8.1 will be enforced as follows. If an illegality is noted, as long as no legal die/dice roll has occurred, then the offending player can start over and even activate a completely different Area. However, if a legal die/dice roll HAS occurred, the offending player must proceed with his move up to the point of the illegality and then complete his move as best as he can. But, as 8.13 states, the offended player can always accept the results of an illegal move.

  • Ruling A example: If an impulse has a bridge roll and then subsequently has an assault roll, but it is found that the bridge roll was not legal, the bridge roll is discarded and the legal assault roll will stand as rolled. If it happens the bridge roll was an illegal repair attempt and now less units can assault due to not being able to cross a river boundary, then the assault roll still stands but the AV will not include any units that could not swim across the river boundary. 


End of Your Turn: You should make it clear to your opponent when your turn has ended. Again, according to 8.13, once your opponent has moved one of his units, or a die has been rolled, it is not possible to change any part of your move. In some cases, it will be obvious that an impulse has ended, such as a naval or air bombardment. However, in cases where there happen to be multiple fresh units in the activated area, it may not be obvious to your opponent that you have ended your move; so please try to do this in the interest of faster play. This may also come into play if you have experienced a very adverse die roll (of course, in actual play this hardly ever happens) and are contemplating using the Advantage. If you have a quick response opponent, you may wish to indicate to him that you are considering using the Advantage before he can fire off a move to you and that you need a little time.


Internet Dice Rollers: It is permissible to use the honor system to roll dice, use playing cards, or use chits to decide random events as long as your opponent agrees. Most will want to use one of the internet dice rollers. Among those available are ACTS. ACTS will be the default dice roller if players cannot agree on an alternative. One advantage of using this site (which is free) is that it sends an email of every activity to both players and also keeps a log of all those activities. Even if you are using a computer aide, this can be handy if there is a question about a previous move or dice roll.



Internet Die Roll Error Handling Convention:

  • Too many drs: use the ones you need discarding the rest. Do not reroll.

  • Not enough drs: use the ones you got and send for the rest.

  • If not specified, Attacker dr(s) first, then Defenders

  • No response from die roller: Best not to send for a second die roll. Wait about 12 hrs, if the drs still haven't shown, the original sender will notify the original receiver to send for the drs. When the receiver is notified he is to roll because of missing drs, and the receiver has yet to receive those drs, the receiver will send, and at that instant the original senders drs will not be used, even if they come in.

  • Multiple die roll requests: Use the drs the receiver got first.

  • If one gamer gets die rolls and the other doesn't and the email addresses were fine : use those dr's. Whoever got the dr's should forward them to the other gamer so he may inspect the email addresses, and if all is OK, use those drs.

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